Разработка нового ГОСТ Р на сварные трубы

Development of new GOST R for rolling I-beam


Development of the national standard for the production of broad-flanged beams with the purpose of extending their application area and construction operability.

Additional materials:

Presentation of D.V. Konin
Interview with D.V. Konin (steelbuildings.ru)
Minutes of the meeting of EVRAZ, Mechel, the Central Research Institute of Construction Structures dated 13.08.2014
Technical Specification
Calendar plan of work performance

August 28, 2015. meeting of the working group of Subcommittee SC 3 "Welded pipe" of technical Committee TC 357 "Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders", which was presented a preliminary version of the draft regulatory document.

Preliminary version of the national standard

The record of proceedings 28.08.2015


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